Okay, MAYBE it's just the life stage but MAY is beginning to BE one of the most stressful months of the year. Open my calendar to MAY and it's comical. There are...
- Eight Baseball Games (for one kid)
- Three Band concerts (for one kid)
- One 8th Grade Dance (for two kids)
- One Gifted Expo (for one kid)
- One 8th Grade Graduation (for two kids, on same night as Gifted Expo for other kid)
- Two Youth Groups (all three kids)
- Two Prayer Events at church (Thank God, cuz they are likely what's going to get us through the rest of the list)
- A Silent Auction (blew it off - not very sorry about it either)
- Legacy Night (all three kids)
- Three Birthdays for extended family
- One Family anniversary
- Mother's Day (felt kinda short to me)
- An Ortho appointment (one kid)
- Another doctor's appointment (me-sigh)
- The annual church business meeting (on same day as one of the band concerts)
Oh and two full-time jobs.
My Star Wars crazed children said "MAY the fourth BE with you" to me on MAY 4th.
Get it?
"MAYBE I'm Amazed" is my favorite Paul McCartney song.
The Traditional Gaelic Blessing has four MAY's...
MAY the road rise up to meet you.
MAY the wind be always at your back.
MAY the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
MAY God hold you in the palm of His hand.
My favorite camp director is Chip MAY at www.camp-arcadia.com
The Word "MAY" appears 1231 times in the Bible. I'm going with Psalm 19:14 for my MAY post closing...
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."
Especially this MAY.
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