I made a conscious decision today not to look at anything on Facebook. M,y but how the politically inclined love to publicly gloat or lament the day after an election. Granted, the postings I'd see would be few. I don't have a FB of my own and my husband's database of friends is a fraction of some of our nieces and nephews. Who is "friends" with a 1000 people?
I'm sure the newspapers are all offering their wise perceptions too, but I went right for the A&E and Sports sections of the Tribune this morning.
Truth is, no one can predict an outcome with certainty and it seems like a waste of time to ponder "the signs" after the fact. I'm not really interested in analyzing what went right or wrong in anyone's campaign. The stage is set and my plan is to pray for every leader whether local, state or federal, and whether or not I connected a black line by their name (there was a 15 minute wait for the electronic voting).
Yesterday's news, is just that, yesterday's news. I'm much more concerned about the next four years. Or to be honest - the next four days. Because I am keenly aware that time is both fleeting and indefinite.
A friend of mine was just diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She will have surgery tomorrow and then likely chemo. She's in her early 50's. She has no idea what to expect the next four days, let alone years.
But here's the beautiful thing about my friend. Her hope isn't in the doctor's or the tests, or the treatment. Her hope is in the Lord. And that's precisely why there IS hope.
I read something today on Randy Alcorn's blog "Eternal Perspectives" and posted an excerpt below along with a link to the page if you want to read the rest of the story.
I hope I vote wisely tomorrow.
"The election is over, but the truth is that every season of our lives is election season. Voting isn’t something you do just every few years. We cast multiple votes each day. We cast votes for Heaven or Hell, for grace or truth. For self-control or self-indulgence. For the Spirit or the flesh. For abiding in Christ, or independence from Christ. For wisdom or foolishness, and blessing or curse. We can’t solve all our nation’s problems, but we can address the issues of our own hearts. Our next chance to vote is right here and right now, whether we spend time with God, pray for His help, read His Word, serve our family, help the poor, dying and needy, entertain this thought, speak these words, watch this television program, or click on this Internet site. (You already vote often; vote wisely.) The key to change and influence in this world is not, and never has been, politics. It is faithfulness to Jesus." To keep reading, use this link; http://www.epm.org/blog/2012/Nov/7/dont-stop-voting
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